August 11, 2023

How I Make $1,300 a Month with a Niche-less Blog

By Paul William

August 11, 2023

Disclosure: Some of the links below may be affiliate links which means I receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through them.

Let me pull back the curtain a bit.

If you’ve stumbled across this article after reading something else on my blog, you might be curious about how I keep this place running.

I mean, one day I’m talking about a mind-blowing trip to Hawaii, and the next I’m nerding out over the latest tech gadget or flight simulator.

The truth is, this blog doesn’t fit neatly into one category. It’s a no-niche blog!

And yet, even though all the online wisdom out there says “Pick a niche!” and “Focus, focus, focus!”—I’m here, making $1,300 a month with a blog that dances around topics erratically.

So, if you’ve ever thought about starting your own blog and monetizing it for a side-income, let’s dive into the why and how.

Here’s what’s going on behind the scenes that got me to a $15,600 annual run rate for this blog with just a few hours of work per week:

Why A Niche-less Blog?

nicheless blogger woman no niche

Simply put, I have a niche-less blog because it’s the only way someone like me, who’s always hopping between interests, could ever keep a blog going.

I’ve tried niche-focused blogs in the past (cooking, video games, etc). But as soon as I personally get bored of the limited subject I always gave up.

The truth is that if your goal is to make money, the best way is to pick a niche and only write about that one topic. But that strategy assumes you will actually continue writing about that one topic (which most people don’t).

If you can’t realistically commit to writing about one thing for several years, then you will likely burn out and fail. In which case it’s better to start a niche-less blog, which is sub-optimal but you will actually continue.

The best strategy is one you will stick to. #NoNicheAllDay

But What About Google and SEO?

seo best practices nerd

You might’ve come across the term SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. Think of it as the secret recipe that guides people to your blog when they’re searching on Google.

SEO aficionados usually wave a big red flag at niche-less blogs.

They’ll argue that Google gives the nod to sites that concentrate on one area, and they’re not wrong.

But hold on, things are shifting.

Google itself has dropped hints that it’s craving authenticity, yearning for the genuine human touch. It’s grown tired of click-bait content farms and search results packed with generic articles, often outsourced and propped up by dubious backlinks and underhanded methods.

Now, the tide seems to be turning in favor of content penned by real people, brimming with proof of their experiences—be it through pictures, stories, or heartfelt insights.

This shift, especially when focusing on low to medium competition keywords, is a welcoming beacon for those with a unique perspective.

So yes, the conventional wisdom may be against niche-less blogs, but it appears that the landscape is ripe for change.

Your genuine voice has a place, and it might be the perfect time to let it shine.

Sharing with Purpose: Your Blog is Not Your Diary

emotional man laying in bed

Let’s make one thing clear real quick though: Your blog isn’t your personal diary.

I mean, sure, I talk about my experiences and interests, but it’s not about airing my deepest feelings or random thoughts.

Remember those early-web-days blogs that were basically online diaries? We’re not doing that here.

The key is to share what excites you but in a way that’s useful to others.

Whether you’re teaching something or sharing an experience that might help someone make a better choice, that’s the sweet spot.

It’s all about the reader, their interests, and what they can gain from your words. Always keep that focus front and center.

Think about what a person might be searching google for, what they might be feeling, and what you’d want to know if you were searching for the topic yourself. Probably not some random person’s ramblings.

Monetization: Turning Passion into Profit

amazon affiliate earnings
Amazon affiliate earnings – July 11 – August 9
My earnings from Impact Radius (another affiliate program aggregator).

Starting a blog wasn’t just a random decision for me.

It was a way to hone my writing skills, catalog my insights, and yes, make some money.

I won’t lie, seeing those dollars land in the bank account provides a boost that keeps me going.

How do I pull in that income? Through affiliate links.

Here’s how it works: If I mention a product or service I’ve personally tried, and you decide to click on the link and purchase it, I receive a small commission.

It’s a transparent practice, fully disclosed on my site, that allows me to turn my passions into something tangible.

You’ll find this approach everywhere, from individual bloggers to major media outlets like CNN.

It’s more common than you might think, and it’s just another way my varied interests pay off.

Some examples of affiliate sales I’ve gotten a commission from:

  • When I bought a new joystick for flight simulator, I wrote a review and linked to the company website. A few people have clicked through and bought the same unit which earns me about $3 per purchase.
  • In my post about my trip to Florence, Italy, I linked back to the hotel we stayed at on, and also including a link to book the art gallery tour we took through Viator. If someone clicks through and books the same hotel or books a tour, I get a cut of that too.
  • For my most popular how-to article about downloading all of Wikipedia to a flash drive, I link to the flash drive I bought on Amazon and get a cut when other people following my process decide to buy the same one.
  • In my article about motion sickness on the Road to Hana in Maui, I included links to the medicine I took, as well as a GPS app I used to guide me on the trip.
  • The possibilities are endless. You could even sign up for the WALMART affiliate program and then write a blog post about hot dog buns and if someone clicks through, you can make money.

In most cases, the higher the item purchase price, the higher my commission. But even the low price items add up. It’s a combination of price, commission rate, and frequency of purchase that impacts the final result.

What about ads?

crowd surrounded by advertising

Whenever I talk about monetizing this site, someone inevitable asks about display advertising.

One of the other most common ways to monetize a site is to put display ad units on it that either pay per click or pay per impression.

It’s a seductive monetization scheme because it’s so passive.

But I don’t currently do this because my current traffic isn’t enough to make it worth it for me.

For example, at 15,000 monthly page views, I estimate I would make $100-$150 per month from ads.

It would be nice to have that extra $1,800 per year, but it’s a relatively low amount compared to affiliate sales so I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.

And there’s always a trade-off between monetizing with ads and the user experience of your site.

I’d rather keep the reader experience clean for now which will help engagement, which will help me rank higher in google, which will lead to more visits and affiliate clicks.

When I grow to 50,000 monthly views and can apply to a premium ad network with higher payouts, that’s when I’ll likely explore turning them on.

Starting a Blog on a Budget: The Real Costs and Tools

Running a blog isn’t without its expenses, but they don’t have to break the bank.

For me, it comes to about $50 per month.

This covers essentials like web hosting, domain name registration, a user-friendly page builder (not really neccesary), handy SEO tools (I use Ubersuggest), and Canva for adding those eye-catching graphics.

It’s the price of admission for maintaining this online haven of mine.

But if you’re new to the blogging scene and just want to test the waters, there are more economical ways to get started.

A simple $3 a month could get you off the ground with a starter hosting plan and a free WordPress theme. That’s all it takes to launch your own digital space and explore where your passions might take you.

Your Turn – How to Get Started

man with computer pointing encouraging

Look, I’m not peddling dreams or courses here. I’m sharing a reality that might echo your restless curiosity.

Making over $1,000 per month with a blog that jumps between interests? It’s not only possible; it’s happening for me.

So if your focus darts from one passion to another, don’t fight it—embrace it.

Write about what excites you.

Be genuine.

Next Steps If You Dare:

Writing online isn’t for everyone, but if you are interested in going down this path, here are the steps I’d take if I was starting over from scratch:

1. Choose an Affordable Web Hosting Plan

Bluehost is what I started on back in the day and will do you fine until you start seeing serious amounts of traffic.

They have good starter plans at $3-5 month and some even let you register your domain name free for the first year.

Don’t worry about being tied down. as you can always transfer your site to another hosting provider later.

And since Bluehost is widely used, you’ll find a wealth of tutorials, articles, and YouTube videos to guide you through the setup process or any customization you might need.

2. Educate Yourself on Keyword Research

Keyword research is how you figure out what topics you have a chance of showing up in Google for.

If you target blog topics that are too competitive, you’ll get drowned out by thousands of other articles. But if you pick wisely and target underserved queries, you’ll be golden.

If you’re totally unfamiliar with this concept, you can learn from this article.

3. Exercise Patience, then Focus on Monetization

Building your blog’s presence online takes time.

Often, several months may pass before your posts begin to rank in Google, attracting organic visitors.

In my experience, it wasn’t until I had amassed around 40 articles that I began earning more than $10 per day, and it’s only slowly grown from there as my posts age and attract more backlinks, boosting their positions in Google.

4. Be sure to experiment

Once you have your own steady stream of traffic, you can start experimenting with affiliate offers, ads, or even your own products or services.

There are plenty of bloggers who showcase their writing and web design skills and then have a big “hire me to write for you or build you a website” button.

So don’t be afraid to get creative — there’s a million ways to make money from attention.

Final Thoughts

Blogging is a long-term investment with no guarantees.

However, with a strategic approach and commitment, you may eventually enjoy some passive income without the need for continuous work.

In the beginning, I didn’t know if I was wasting hours writing posts no one would read. But I took a swing anyway and it worked out.

If starting your own blog or website is your dream, I hope you’ll have the courage to take a swing and I wish you the best of luck on your blogging journey!

Niche-less Blog FAQs

What is a Niche-less Blog?

A niche-less blog is a blog that doesn’t focus on one specific subject or category. Instead, it allows the blogger to explore various interests and topics.

Many people consider niche-less blogging unconventional, but it can be ideal for those who have multiple interests and don’t want to be confined to a single area.

Can I Make Money with a Niche-less Blog?

Yes, you can make money with a niche-less blog, although it might be considered sub-optimal compared to niche-focused blogs.

By offering authentic and useful content across different subjects and by applying SEO best practices, you can attract readers and earn money through affiliate links, sponsored content, or other monetization methods.

How Can I Monetize My Niche-less Blog?

Monetizing a niche-less blog can be done through affiliate marketing, display ads, sponsored content, or selling products and services.

Affiliate links are a great way to start if your posts are sharing genuine experiences and recommendations.

What About SEO for Niche-less Blogs?

SEO for niche-less blogs can be challenging since Google often favors sites that specialize in one area. However, the landscape is changing, and genuine content created by real people is becoming more valuable.

By focusing on low to medium competition keywords and creating high-quality content, you can improve your SEO rankings.

Is Starting a Niche-less Blog Expensive?

Starting a niche-less blog doesn’t have to be expensive. With a basic hosting plan costing around $3 a month and using free tools like WordPress for setup, you can launch a blog on a budget.

More advanced tools and hosting may add to the cost, but there are options for every budget.

How Long Does It Take to See Success with a Niche-less Blog?

Success with a niche-less blog can take time. Building traffic and ranking in Google might require several months or even longer. Consistent effort, patience, and strategic planning can lead to steady growth and potential income over time, and nothing in life is guaranteed.

What Kind of Content Should I Write for a Niche-less Blog?

Content for a niche-less blog should still provide value to the reader, even if it spans various subjects. Share your experiences, teach something new, or help readers make informed decisions. Though the blog might cover multiple topics, keeping the reader’s interests at the core is key.

Can I Run Ads on a Niche-less Blog?

Yes, you can run ads on a niche-less blog. As your blog grows and reaches higher monthly views, you may consider exploring premium ad networks like Mediavine to enhance your income.

How Do I Choose Topics for a Niche-less Blog?

Choosing topics for a niche-less blog can be as simple as writing about what excites you. You can explore your passions, hobbies, experiences, and even everyday insights.

The key is to convey them in a way that can be useful, entertaining, or informative for your readers.

Is a Niche-less Blog Less Effective than a Niche Blog?

A niche-less blog can be less effective in terms of SEO and monetization compared to a niche-focused blog. However, it can be the right choice for individuals who find it challenging to commit to a single subject.

With dedication, creativity, and a unique voice, a niche-less blog can still thrive.

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