About these photos
I shot these photos in various spots around Tokyo, Japan a few years back but never posted them online until now.
The first photo is from below the SkyTree (the world's tallest tower), followed by some shots of the Tokyo from above, then a few random street photos from walking around.
Tokyo was a surprisingly easy to navigate city, even though I knew zero Japanese. Most major transit stations and taxi drivers knew enough English to communicate, and if they didn't the wide availability of translator apps bridged the gap.
You are free to download and use these images for non-commercial use as long as they don't include any obviously visible faces of strangers, and you include a photo credit and link back to this site.

Tokyo SkyTree, the world's largest tower

Tokyo Japan from the Skytree

Tokyo from above looking blue

Tokyo crossing

Alternative entertainment

Crossing the street

A big baby. Anyone know what this is?

The Tokyo vending machines are much more colorful than USA

Was amused at the combinations: "Hotdog, chair, sofa, salad"

Welcome to the Freak Store, can I take your order?